Friday, March 6, 2020

Happy Birthday, Dariya!

Happy Birthday, Dariya! Yesterday, Dariya Lopukhina our wonderful Director of Marketing celebrated her birthday. She has been working for since January 2012. During these nine short months Dariya has become an absolute essential part of the TutorZ operation She creates and runs our marketing campaigns, blog, ad postings, and social media presence. Dariya also runs a great deal of our customer service apps. Because of her wide range of responsibilities and deep insight in the  TutorZ  process  Dariya  also has become a chief contributor to the engineering department by helping to design new features and apps.  Always, in her work,  Dariya  is consistent, dedicated and dependable, reliable,  flexible, and a pleasure to work with.  She has incredible creative energies and a refreshing conservatism tempered only enough to accomplish what needs to be done. Thats why the small team of  TutorZ  threw a party for her yesterday after the regular work hours .  Lilly bedazzled us with her cooking talents, created  a delicious dinner and decorated the office space with balloons, flowers and signs.   Remotely from Los Angeles, CA John joined the festivities via  Skype. Chatty, our office cat was hugged by everyone. So thank  you again Dariya for all your hard work,  dedication and positive energies at your work place. We and our customers  appreciate you very much. Health,  happiness and success to you!

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